Creating an outcome-based WordPress quiz form in WS Form PRO is a great way to engage your audience and provide personalized results based on their answers.
Customize WordPress Content with PersonalizeWP and WS Form
PersonalizeWP is a WordPress plugin that allows you to customize your WordPress content based on your audience. Create custom rules based on profiles, segments, localization, and more. It also integrates with WS Form and allows you to show content based on a lead score that you set. In this post, we’ll look at PersonalizeWP and…
How to Display WS Form Entries in a Searchable Table on Your WordPress Site
In this detailed tutorial, we’ll show you how to integrate the WS Form PRO and Posts Table Pro plugins to display WS Form Entries in a searchable table on your WordPress website. We were recently asked by Michelle Frechette for a solution that could display speakers in a table on the website We successfully…