=== WS Form PRO - PDF === Contributors: westguard Requires at least: 4.4 Tested up to: 6.4 Stable tag: trunk Requires PHP: 5.2.2 License: GPLv3 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html PDF add-on for WS Form PRO. == Description == PDF add-on for WS Form PRO. == Installation == For help installing this plugin, please see our [Installation](https://wsform.com/knowledgebase/installation/?utm_source=wp_plugins&utm_medium=readme) knowledgebase article. == Changelog == = 1.2.4 - 03/27/2024 = * Bug Fix: Variable initialization fix = 1.2.3 - 12/20/2023 = * Added: wsf_action_pdf_filename filter hook. See: https://wsform.com/knowledgebase/wsf_action_pdf_filename/ = 1.2.2 - 11/21/2023 = * Bug Fix: PHP 8.2 compatibility support = 1.2.1 - 06/27/2023 = * Added: Support for Salesforce PDF attachments = 1.2.0 - 05/18/2023 = * Added: Updated DOMPDF library to version 2.0.3 = 1.1.3 - 05/08/2023 = * Bug Fix: Default signature max height in template = 1.1.2 - 04/11/2023 = * Added: #pdf_url_view variable for actions which returns the URL to view the PDF in a browser * Added: #pdf_link_view variable for actions which returns 'View PDF' link = 1.1.1 - 04/01/2023 = * Added: #pdf_url variable for actions which returns the URL to the PDF * Added: #pdf_link variable for actions which returns 'Download PDF' link * Added: Improved PDF rendering error handling = 1.1.0 - 03/15/2023 = * Added: Page size, orientation, font family and font size settings (In WS Form --> Settings --> PDF) * Added: Custom template file name setting per Send Email action * Changed: Improved standard PDF template = 1.0.13 - 02/17/2023 = * Added: Clear hidden fields on export to better simulate email attachment = 1.0.12 - 07/06/2021 = * Bug Fix: Repeatable rows fix on export PDF = 1.0.11 - 06/24/2021 = * Added: Upgraded DOMPDF to latest version (1.0.2) for PHP 8 compatibility (from 0.8.5) = 1.0.10 - 01/25/2021 = * Bug Fix: Temporary file path = 1.0.9 - 01/22/2021 = * Added: Support for new file handler system = 1.0.8 - 06/24/2020 = * Added: Custom email PDF attachment filename = 1.0.7 - 05/14/2020 = * Changed: Updated DOMPDF library = 1.0.6 - 04/24/2020 = * Changed: Action priority = 1.0.5 - 10/22/2019 = * Changed: setIsRemoteEnabled enabled = 1.0.4 - 08/23/2019 = * Bug Fix: Object/Array issue with PDF template per form ID for attachments = 1.0.3 - 07/24/2019 = * Bug Fix: Object/Array issue with PDF template per form ID = 1.0.2 - 07/12/2019 = * Added: Ability to have PDF templates per form ID = 1.0.0 - 11/08/2018 = * Initial release.