=== WS Form PRO === Contributors: westguard Requires at least: 5.2 Tested up to: 6.5 Requires PHP: 5.6 License: GPLv3 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html WS Form PRO allows you to build faster, effective, user friendly WordPress forms. Build forms in a single click or use the unique drag and drop editor to create forms in seconds. == Description == = Build Better WordPress Forms = WS Form lets you create any form for your website in seconds using our unique drag and drop editor. Build everything from simple contact us forms to complex multi-page application forms. == Installation == For help installing WS Form, please see our [Installation](https://wsform.com/knowledgebase/installation/?utm_source=wp_plugins&utm_medium=readme) knowledge base article. == Changelog == = 1.9.207 - 04/29/2024 = * Added: Inline validation "On field change / blur" setting that will only show inline validation after a field is changed * Added: Set custom validation conditional action for rating field * Bug Fix: ITI default country = 1.9.206 - 04/22/2024 = * Changed: Event property when determining source DOM element = 1.9.205 - 04/21/2024 = * Bug Fix: Removed debug from wsf_field_get_objects function = 1.9.204 - 04/20/2024 = * Bug Fix: Fix to WS Form event firing = 1.9.203 - 04/20/2024 = * Added: PHP functions to retrieve submit value by field class name (https://wsform.com/knowledgebase_category/php-functions/) * Added: Fathom conversion tracking value now supports WS Form variables * Added: Exclude Blank Parameters setting in Redirect action for query string parameters * Added: Checkboxes can now be unchecked with conditional logic if disabled * Bug Fix: Conditional event firing = 1.9.202 - 04/16/2024 = * Added: Focus conditional action for rating fields * Added: Dragend event for Google Address map geolocate * Changed: Conversational form error alerts now positioned above nav to improve legibility * Bug Fix: Loader sprite color = 1.9.201 - 04/14/2024 = * Added: Loader now always visible automatically regardless of form height * Added: New min / max variables for series of fields (See: https://wsform.com/knowledgebase/calculating-minimum-and-maximum-field-attributes/) * Added: Toggle for enabling geolocate on load for Google Address field * Added: New condition to run geolocate on Google Address field * Added: Gelocate on click setting for map associated with Google Address field * Added: Geolocate event under loader settings = 1.9.200 - 04/11/2024 = * Added: WordPress 6.5 compatibility testing * Added: Google Address field auto complete by browser location or IP lookup * Added: #file_repeater_index for custom file names * Bug Fix: RTL CSS fixes * Bug Fix: Select2 population by array = 1.9.199 - 03/24/2024 = * Added: ACF meta mapping in post data source now outputs as formatted value * Bug Fix: Row population in submission admin page * Bug Fix: Small typo in WordPress block = 1.9.198 - 03/18/2024 = * Added: Default value setting on select, checkbox and radio fields = 1.9.197 - 03/17/2024 = * Added: Transform on email field = 1.9.196 - 03/03/2024 = * Bug Fix: Date handling in custom field integrations when populating a form = 1.9.195 - 03/01/2024 = * Bug Fix: Updated ITI flag images = 1.9.194 - 02/29/2024 = * Added: #acos, #asin, #atan variables * Added: Update ITI libary * Added: wsf_form_checksum_check filter hook * Added: #calc performance improvement by reducing duplicate calculations * Changed: Removed transform setting on email field due to incompatibility * Bug Fix: Repeatable section changes breaking #calc array * Bug Fix: Fix to #calc handling of price range fields = 1.9.193 - 02/12/2024 = * Added: Support for Save on WooCommerce product with variations * Bug Fix: Progress calculation for checkbox fields with min / max parameters * Bug Fix: Submissions page selector * Bug Fix: JetEngine data source when using glossary = 1.9.192 - 02/08/2024 = * Bug Fix: Meta data generation when creating form from action. = 1.9.191 - 02/07/2024 = * Bug Fix: Run JavaScript action = 1.9.190 - 02/07/2024 = * Bug Fix: Minor code change in submit classes to maintain compatibility with EOL PHP versions = 1.9.189 - 02/05/2024 = * Added: wsf-tab-clicked event * Added: New functionality required for Webex integration * Added: Improved Italian translations * Bug Fix: Field level deduplication issue * Bug Fix: Run JavaScript actions would fail if a comment was present at the end = 1.9.188 - 02/01/2024 = * Added: Google Address Test template that includes all mappings * Added: Performance improvement in editor when outputting section template JSON * Bug Fix: wsf_submit_validate now only runs once per form submit = 1.9.187 - 01/27/2024 = * Added: Improved checking of API key for Google field types * Bug Fix: Time formatting fix in emails = 1.9.186 - 01/22/2024 = * Added: Limit by IP in Form Settings * Bug Fix: Select2 cascade enqueue warning = 1.9.185 - 01/21/2024 = * Added: Submission error email notifications * Added: Sortable setting on file upload field for DropzoneJS multiple configuration * Added: Google address field now has same conditional logic options as text fields * Added: Convert arrays to strings if mapped custom field is string based * Added: wsf_submit_validate to compliment wsf_submit_field_validate filter hook * Added: Bulk action in data grid now retains checked rows to make toggling features on and off easier * Bug Fix: Week date format in emails * Bug Fix: Translated dates in email_submission = 1.9.184 - 01/16/2024 = * Added: Bulk select CSV Export in submissions now uses paged process to improve performance = 1.9.183 - 01/16/2024 = * Bug Fix: Submission export paging = 1.9.182 - 01/15/2024 = * Added: Improved debug console population of first and last name fields using library of names * Added: Improved debug console population of emails with first and last name and more random domain name * Added: Improved debug console population of select and checkboxes with support for multiple, min and max settings * Added: Get Data in Data Sources now clears last error log if successful * Added: Improved template file error handling * Changed: Number step setting moved to basic tab with improved help text * Changed: Improvements to submission filtering and exporting code * Changed: Removed Hidden setting from captcha fields due to misinterpration * Changed: Tag Mapping to Term Mapping in Form Settings > Data > Populate Using Action * Bug Fix: Submissions export with date filters applied in languages other than English * Bug Fix: Required checkbox rows now excluded from validation if hidden * Bug Fix: Clear button on signatures if prefix applied to field = 1.9.181 - 01/07/2024 = * Added: Conversion Tracking action now support Bento JavaScript events * Added: Conditional action for increasing / decreasing numeric based field values by a given step or WS Form variable * Added: Cloudflare Turnstile size and appearance settings * Added: Updated French translations = 1.9.180 - 01/04/2024 = * Added: Google map auto centering options (By browser or IP geo lookup) * Bug Fix: Workaround implemented for PHP ZEND_FETCH_DIM_RW bug (Not a WS Form bug) * Bug Fix: Cookie decodeURIComponent handling * Bug Fix: Phone field now has inputmode="tel" attribute to ensure input make library does not break keyboard on mobile * Bug Fix: Deduplication functionality now only checks submissions with a status of publish = 1.9.179 - 12/27/2023 = * Added: Submissions keyword search * Added: Improved error handling for cookie and query string parsing * Bug Fix: Conditional logic case sensitivity on select, checkbox and radio value conditions = 1.9.178 - 12/17/2023 = * Added: Ignore empty key value setting in Webhook action * Added: Improved debug toggle script enqueuing * Added: Defer setting for enqueued JavaScript * Added: wsf_enqueue_script_strategy_defer and wsf_enqueue_script_in_footer filter hooks * Added: Disable translation setting to force English (US) * Added: Test All Fields template in Demos * Bug Fix: Legal field with progress = 1.9.177 - 12/10/2023 = * Added: Performance improvement on preset loading and submit variables * Added: Transform functionality now retains cursor position * Added: Flush rewrite on welcome screen to improve REST API availability on new installs * Bug Fix: Action repair on import * Bug Fix: Case sensitive fix on Selected Value Equals condition * Bug Fix: Typo in form import modal = 1.9.176 - 11/26/2023 = * Added: Support for Fathom Analytics in the Conversion Tracking action * Added: Ability to enable and disable the debug console from the admin bar menu * Added: Date From / To template in section library * Added: Link to Files setting in global settings that allows file links in PDF templates * Changed: Endpoint updated for ipapi.co * Bug Fix: Inline validation when using tab validation = 1.9.175 - 11/19/2023 = * Added: Accessibility improvements - aria-invalid, aria-describedby for select and textarea fields = 1.9.174 - 11/18/2023 = * Added: Accessibility improvements - aria-invalid, aria-describedby for inputs * Added: field_value action added to Run WordPress Hook action * Bug Fix: Inside label offset calculations on fields with prefix now assessed when field is shown = 1.9.173 - 11/16/2023 = * Added: wsf_enqueue_scripts and wsf_enqueue_styles action hooks for enqueuing custom CSS or JavaScript when a form is present on a page * Added: From address is now optional for Send Email action * Added: Help text added to progress fields for Bootstrap and Foundation frameworks * Bug Fix: Loader CSS was not enqueued if dynamic enqueuing was disabled = 1.9.172 - 11/01/2023 = * Added: New #submit_date_added and #submit_date_added_custom("format") variables * Added: New wsf_submit_export_csv_header and wsf_submit_export_csv_row filter hooks * Added: Default row set for ACF and Meta Box custom field data source * Added: User Ratings Total mapping added for Google Address field * Added: Save button in form label when focussed * Bug Fix: Action setting direct numeric setting replacement during import * Bug Fix: Undo meta key issue * Bug Fix: wpautop on submissions in edit mode = 1.9.171 - 10/25/2023 = * Bug Fix: PHP 8.2 compatibility support * Bug Fix: Admin form view order and orderby query variables now limited to fixed values to improve security = 1.9.170 - 10/25/2023 = * Added: New #tracking_duration variable for returning the time it took to submit the form in seconds = 1.9.169 - 10/19/2023 = * Added: New #field_count_char(id, "regex_filter") variable for returning the number of characters in a string * Added: New #field_count_word(id, "regex_filter") variable for returning the number of words in a string * Added: New "All rows selected" and "Not all rows selected" conditional logic IF conditions for select fields * Added: New "All rows checked" and "Not all rows checked" conditional logic IF conditions for checkbox fields = 1.9.168 - 10/11/2023 = * Bug Fix: Row specific conditional logic = 1.9.167 - 10/10/2023 = * Added: Improved conditional logic debug logging * Added: Improved syntax error output when evaluating variables * Added: Improved handling or conditional logic select, checkbox and radio row handling * Changed: DropzoneJS default placeholder text = 1.9.166 - 10/04/2023 = * Added: Improved handling of sidebar default values in admin * Added: Changed captcha resetting to only occur on form submit = 1.9.165 - 09/30/2023 = * Bug Fix: Class meta key used on file and password fields = 1.9.164 - 09/29/2023 = * Bug Fix: Fields with suffix had formatting issue with new help text system = 1.9.163 - 09/29/2023 = * Added: Help text positioning (Top or bottom) that can be set at a form or field level = 1.9.162 - 09/23/2023 = * Added: Google routing field waypoint support * Added: Cascade source now supports hidden fields * Added: WordPress plugin standards compliance improvements * Bug Fix: #file_index on custom file names = 1.9.161 - 09/19/2023 = * Added: New priority for Run WordPress Hook action: Before submission created * Bug Fix: Number field step attribute when hidden = 1.9.160 - 09/17/2023 = * Added: Clear and reset conditional logic options for cart price fields * Added: Improved handling of embedded variables in attributes on server-side = 1.9.159 - 09/16/2023 = * Added: File upload image restrictions for image max width and max height * Added: File upload image restrictions now shown against each file when using DropzoneJS * Added: Debug console populate function now obeys input masks * Added: wsf_loaded hook * Added: Form import now strips BOM if found * Bug Fix: Debug console populate date fields with min / max ranges * Bug Fix: Input mask enqueuing for currency if only cart detail / cart total fields present = 1.9.158 - 09/13/2023 = * Added: File upload image restrictions for image width, height and aspect ratio * Added: Form limits without message types no support server-side WS Form variables = 1.9.157 - 09/07/2023 = * Added: Form limit messages now support server-side WS Form variables * Bug Fix: ACF radio and button group meta value = 1.9.156 - 09/06/2023 = * Bug Fix: ACF post object mapping meta value = 1.9.155 - 09/05/2023 = * Added: ACF field validation override if validation filters return invalid response. * Bug Fix: Phone field inside label positioning if ITI configured to use country code selector = 1.9.154 - 08/23/2023 = * Added: gtag automatically exposed to dataLayer for Google Tag Manager implementations * Added: Legal field calculation improvements * Added: Privacy improvements with author variables * Bug Fix: Server-side Belgian French date translations * Bug Fix: Conversational date picker = 1.9.153 - 08/21/2023 = * Added: Google Tag Manager (Data Layer) conversion type that only runs dataLayer.push(params) = 1.9.152 - 08/18/2023 = * Added: Custom attributes for hidden fields * Added: Accessibility improvements in the layout editor (Improved color contrasts and ARIA attribute review) * Added: Reduced page size when exporting submissions to reduce server memory usage * Bug Fix: Language string issue when clicking to add fields = 1.9.151 - 08/14/2023 = * Added: Support for GA4 Enhanced Event Measurement form_start & form_submit events = 1.9.150 - 08/09/2023 = * Added: Added InstaWP to LITE readme.txt * Bug Fix: Select2 default option preload in admin sidebar = 1.9.149 - 08/08/2023 = * Added: WordPress 6.3 compatibility testing * Added: Additional functionality added to action form engine for InstaWP add-on = 1.9.148 - 08/03/2023 = * Bug Fix: Conditional logic on fields within repeatable sections with a source outside of a repeatable section = 1.9.147 - 08/03/2023 = * Added: Conditional logic actions for loader * Added: Form instance style targeting for loader = 1.9.146 - 08/02/2023 = * Added: Loader / spinner system for form submit, save, action and render events * Added: Debug console color improvements * Bug Fix: Webhook custom mapping on legacy data * Bug Fix: Signature resize event if hidden * Bug Fix: Required indicator on legal field = 1.9.145 - 07/28/2023 = * Bug Fix: ACF custom field column mapping in posts data source = 1.9.144 - 07/27/2023 = * Bug Fix: Selector escaping in admin = 1.9.143 - 07/26/2023 = * Added: Session ID now automatically clears if the associated submission record has been trashed * Added: Improved text area formatting in submissions sidebar * Added: Improved JS selector escaping throughout * Added: Post data source now supports reading field data contained within a group * Bug Fix: If a tab is clicked using conditional logic it now shows the tab to ensure the fields are submitted = 1.9.142 - 07/22/2023 = * Added: Cascading select fields configured to use AJAX can now be pre-populated * Added: Improved German translations in debug console * Added: ID deduplication during data grid CSV import * Added: Improved scroll detection for legal field = 1.9.141 - 07/19/2023 = * Added: Geolocation Lookup by IP in Form Settings that allows you to populate fields with gelocation data such as city and region * Added: Two additional IP lookup endpoints; ipinfo.io and ipapi.co * Added: Setting to include admin traffic in statistics data added to Basic tab of Global Settings = 1.9.140 - 07/11/2023 = * Bug Fix: Escaping issue in admin sidebar for disabling unique values in mapping repeaters = 1.9.139 - 07/08/2023 = * Added: Ability to set license keys using a named constant in wp-config.php https://wsform.com/knowledgebase/setting-license-keys-with-php-constants/ = 1.9.138 - 07/06/2023 = * Added: AI generated form support for OpenAI add-on * Added: Updated DropzoneJS to version 5.9.3 * Bug Fix: data-hidden-bypass fix = 1.9.137 - 07/04/2023 = * Bug Fix: Running calculations when repeatable section is moved up or down = 1.9.136 - 07/03/2023 = * Added: JetEngine checkbox data format updates = 1.9.135 - 07/03/2023 = * Added: Ability to use the form locate feature when using Bricks site builder * Bug Fix: JetEngine user field options = 1.9.134 - 06/29/2023 = * Added: Support for non-English dates in submission date range search * Added: Add Media button toggle for the visual editor text area type, only visible to logged in users with the upload_files capability * Bug Fix: Initial tab validation if conditions existed = 1.9.133 - 06/26/2023 = * Added: Removed fonts.googleapis.com dependency in admin CSS * Bug Fix: CSS for template SVG's enqueuing incorrectly = 1.9.132 - 06/23/2023 = * Added: Multiple setting for Radio fields in IF conditions * Added: Paste as Text setting for text area visual editor to determine default state of Paste as Text button * Added: Hooks to customize text area visual editor buttons https://wsform.com/knowledgebase/customize-the-visual-editor-toolbar/ * Bug Fix: Removed form-control class around captcha fields for Bootstrap 5 = 1.9.131 - 06/20/2023 = * Added: Improved handling of Send Email action CC / BCC filters = 1.9.130 - 06/13/2023 = * Bug Fix: Removed use of :is pseudo element in hidden field handler = 1.9.129 - 06/13/2023 = * Bug Fix: Fixed regex example for Phone - General * Bug Fix: Fixed required field management for conversational forms = 1.9.128 - 06/10/2023 = * Added: Additional Send Email action hooks for BCC, CC and Reply To settings * Bug Fix: Conditional logic initial firing on duplicate elements = 1.9.127 - 06/06/2023 = * Bug Fix: Fixed JavaScript issue with form selector on submissions page = 1.9.126 - 06/05/2023 = * Added: Tab active / not active conditional logic * Bug Fix: Output buffer clear fix = 1.9.125 - 06/01/2023 = * Added: Improved population of ACF number fields * Bug Fix: Ensured variable escaping is not considered translatable throughout = 1.9.124 - 05/29/2023 = * Added: #number_format(number, decimals, decimal_separator, thousands_separator) variable * Added: #field_date_Format(field_id, date_format) variable = 1.9.123 - 05/28/2023 = * Added: Support for pushing select, checkbox and radio values to Pods text fields * Bug Fix: File upload handler setting featured image on posts if using default file upload type = 1.9.122 - 05/26/2023 = * Added: Required setting on price fields * Added: Price fields converted to float prior to being pushed to ACF number fields = 1.9.121 - 05/25/2023 = * Added: Required indicator added to checkbox label if 'Minimum Checked' setting is set * Added: Added additional field types that can be mapped to Google Address fields * Added: Override CSS to overcome styling issues found with poorly targeted CSS from third party plugins * Changed: Removed single pixel GIF that was used to overcome an old formatting issue with Mac mail = 1.9.120 - 05/24/2023 = * Added: Improved saved data format for ACF mappings = 1.9.119 - 05/23/2023 = * Bug Fix: Review admin message = 1.9.118 - 05/22/2023 = * Added: Support for additional classes on block * Added: Ability to specify custom title, caption, description and alt tag on media library uploads * Added: Translation improvements * Changed: Block preview now changed to GIF as opposed to SVG to avoid CSS issues with preview being in iframe * Changed: Captcha fields can no longer be bypassed if they are hidden to improve security * Bug Fix: Progress on repeaters * Bug Fix: Mobile breakpoint font size in email template * Bug Fix: Down arrow on select fields no longer obscured by long option text = 1.9.117 - 05/18/2023 = * Added: Accessibility improvements for honeypot field * Added: Accessibility improvements for help text * Added: Repeatable section row delete confirmation setting * Added: Translated month and day names during date validation to support other languages * Bug Fix: Conditional logic initial firing on repeatable section row adding = 1.9.116 - 05/13/2023 = * Added: Multiple row selection in conditional logic for row visibility, required, disabled, class * Bug Fix: Image / file custom field integration issue with existing attachments = 1.9.115 - 05/13/2023 = * Bug Fix: #calc initial value was causing issues with HTML fields = 1.9.114 - 05/11/2023 = * Added: Multiple row selection in conditional logic for row select/check * Added: Support for Google Routing in repeatable sections * Bug Fix: #field delimiter parameter was trimmed = 1.9.113 - 05/09/2023 = * Changed: Quantity min / max bound checking now only occurs on field change = 1.9.112 - 05/08/2023 = * Bug Fix: WS Form (Private) file handler in repeatable sections * Bug Fix: PDF image width in custom templates = 1.9.111 - 05/05/2023 = * Added: Removed invalid event handler inputmask fields to fix blur issue if setCustomValidity applied to it = 1.9.110 - 05/04/2023 = * Added: CSS max height in email template for signature field to avoid large images showing * Changed: Webhook no longer halts action processing if node not found in response data * Bug Fix: Custom validity recall issue if set in conditional logic and field then hidden = 1.9.109 - 05/03/2023 = * Bug Fix: #calc price value = 1.9.108 - 05/02/2023 = * Added: Input mask validation = 1.9.107 - 05/01/2023 = * Added: zxcvbn no longer enqueued if not required by password field * Added: Improved handling of UTC date for 'Current Day' deduplication setting * Bug Fix: Uncompiled non-inline API CSS path = 1.9.106 - 04/25/2023 = * Added: Flush on output if zip or file downloaded to overcome issues with rogue character in output buffer * Added: Admin sidebar changes to prevent issues with poorly enqueued jQuery from third party plugins * Bug Fix: Admin sidebar would not open if form text editor or HTML field contained wsf-field-wrapper class * Bug Fix: #calc issue with calc object registering incorrect source field ID = 1.9.105 - 04/24/2023 = * Added: Support for JetEngine checkbox 'Save as Array' setting * Bug Fix: #calc support in #field_date_offset = 1.9.104 - 04/22/2023 = * Added: Elementor widget updates = 1.9.103 - 04/21/2023 = * Added: Performance improvements for #calc / #text = 1.9.102 - 04/21/2023 = * Added: Support for JetEngine 'Is Timestamp' setting on date fields * Bug Fix: Email validation = 1.9.101 - 04/18/2023 = * Added: Improved data source error handling and scheduling * Added: Overrides for latest WordPress block editor CSS = 1.9.100 - 04/17/2023 = * Added: 'Importing ...' notice added to import progress bar * Bug Fix: Calculation triggering on hidden fields = 1.9.99 - 04/17/2023 = * Added: Edit in Preview now supports file upload edits * Added: Improved performance on file upload previews = 1.9.98 - 04/16/2023 = * Bug Fix: Dynamic #text label and help text on fields that did not allow dynamic #text on value * Bug Fix: Statistics divide by zero issue = 1.9.97 - 04/14/2023 = * Added: Google Routing field. Provides distance and duration calculations between a start and end location. Learn more: https://wsform.com/knowledgebase/google-route/ * Added: Google Maps template category * Added: Google Routing templates * Added: Mapping category in toolbox fields sidebar = 1.9.96 - 04/12/2023 = * Added: Support for plain permalink URL structure * Added: Improved #email_logo handling to avoid bugs caused by third party software * Bug Fix: #text with color fields now sets color panel preview = 1.9.95 - 04/10/2023 = * Bug Fix: Reports scheduling when upgrading from LITE to PRO = 1.9.94 - 04/10/2023 = * Added: Type selector for WebHook field and custom mapping = 1.9.93 - 04/07/2023 = * Bug Fix: Checkbox and radio deduplication in repeatable sections = 1.9.92 - 04/06/2023 = * Added: Additional checks to ensure data passed to remote requests is valid * Added: Support for roles that do not have capabilities assigned to them * Bug Fix: Conditions no longer assesssed if source event is outside of repeatable section and IF condition contains fields in a repeatable section = 1.9.91 - 04/05/2023 = * Bug Fix: Dashboard date range fix = 1.9.90 - 04/04/2023 = * Added: WS Form --> Settings --> Reports setting allows for daily, weekly or monthly form statistics report sent via email * Added: 'Show File Name and Size' setting under WS Form --> Settings --> Variables which removes file name and size under files and signatures in email and PDF templates * Added: Signatures now recalled in saved forms * Added: Date/time picker now has setting for moving the element within the form to avoid issues with parent elements having position: relative * Changed: Signature cropping now moved server-side (Requires Imagick) * Changed: WS Form --> Settings --> Email is now Variables * Bug Fix: Patch implemented to overcome Safari issue with times = 1.9.89 - 04/03/2023 = * Added: Moved date/time picker element within form instead of within body to allow styling by form * Added: Added ID to each date/time picker element * Added: Custom class setting for date/time picker element = 1.9.88 - 03/31/2023 = * Added: Performance improvements to select, checkbox and radio fields (empty row attributes removed) * Added: Performance improvements to repeatable section initialization * Added: Performance improvements to form validation * Added: Functionality for new PDF add-on variables #pdf_url and #pdf_link * Bug Fix: WS Form framework was not being used in block editor for layout CSS if using Bootstrap * Bug Fix: Section ID repair in imported meta data = 1.9.87 - 03/29/2023 = * Added: WordPress 6.2 compatibility testing * Added: Requirements added to main PHP file * Bug Fix: Capitalize transform feature was not working for some european characters = 1.9.86 - 03/29/2023 = * Changed: Simplified Human Presence functionality to rely on its own confidence level = 1.9.85 - 03/28/2023 = * Bug Fix: Layout editor no longer saves if sidebar is locked (e.g. requesting data from an API) = 1.9.84 - 03/26/2023 = * Added: Update ready for Breakdance v1.3 * Added: Check on SVG creation to ensure form object is valid = 1.9.83 - 03/23/2023 = * Bug Fix: JetEngine media and gallery field population = 1.9.82 - 03/23/2023 = * Added: Improved button locking functionality * Added: Improved form checksum validation on import * Bug Fix: Media library meta data when custom file name specified * Bug Fix: Webhook encoding of values containing arrays = 1.9.81 - 03/18/2023 = * Added: Patch to ensure adding parameters to API URL using add_query_arg does not convert periods to underscores = 1.9.80 - 03/18/2023 = * Bug Fix: API call fix for AWeber = 1.9.79 - 03/17/2023 = * Added: Spam level indicators added to LITE edition * Added: Additional admin CSS fixes for third party plugin that incorrectly enqueued Bootstrap on every page * Bug Fix: Submission records were still created if Human Presence detected spam = 1.9.78 - 03/15/2023 = * Added: PDF previews on DropzoneJS file uploads * Added: Ability to preview / download DropzoneJS file uploads in submissions when form saved * Added: Admin CSS fixes for third party plugin that incorrectly enqueued Bootstrap on every page = 1.9.77 - 03/10/2023 = * Bug Fix: db_get_submit_meta duplicating values if run via WooCommerce extension = 1.9.76 - 03/09/2023 = * Added: Webhook API response mapping now supports array in JSON response * Added: Webhook now has improved handling of query variables in GET requests = 1.9.75 - 03/08/2023 = * Added: Improved Google Events functionality https://wsform.com/knowledgebase/google-events/ * Added: Improved handling of repeatable fallback values on submissions page = 1.9.74 - 03/06/2023 = * Bug Fix: Label positioning adjustment on phone fields = 1.9.73 - 03/02/2023 = * Added: Support for glossaries in JetEngine Field Options data source * Added: Set minimum/maximum date and time conditional logic for date/time field type * Added: Enabled times feature on date/time field type * Added: Separated min/max time setting on date/time field configured as type 'Date/time' or 'Time' * Added: Field match conditional logic support for values inside a repeater * Bug Fix: CSS fix for Phone field configured to use inside label with international telephone input enabled = 1.9.72 - 02/28/2023 = * Added: Context to JetEngine get field settings method to support user fields = 1.9.71 - 02/27/2023 = * Added: Set title of email template to email subject * Added: Default file type set to DropzoneJS on file upload fields * Bug Fix: Custom file name on media library files = 1.9.70 - 02/22/2023 = * Added: Patch to overcome older browsers not supporting date formats in Y-m-d H:i:s format = 1.9.69 - 02/21/2023 = * Added: Form validation when required status of field changes * Bug Fix: Redirect action URL parsing = 1.9.68 - 02/17/2023 = * Added: Additional functionality for PDF add-on = 1.9.67 - 02/15/2023 = * Bug Fix: ITI (International Telephone Input) for multiple form instances on a single page = 1.9.66 - 02/14/2023 = * Added: Ability to assign multiple values to a single key in Webhook (converted to array with dedupe setting) * Added: wsf_dropzonejs_upload_path filter for DropzoneJS upload path * Added: Dependencies for DropzoneJS enqueue = 1.9.65 - 02/07/2023 = * Added: Improved rendering of conditional logic in admin sidebar * Added: Support for population of hidden fields for Google Address field * Added: Edit in Preview link on submissions (Must be enabled in settings) = 1.9.64 - 02/06/2023 = * Added: Meta Box custom table support * Bug Fix: Changing a hidden required field to no required was reverted to required with made visible * Bug Fix: Dashboard component registration if user capability not set = 1.9.63 - 02/05/2023 = * Added: Event resetting on form reload * Bug Fix: #calc / #text now processes original source instead of parsed source * Bug Fix: Conditional logic on conversational forms = 1.9.62 - 02/03/2023 = * Added: Patch to overcome known bug with :valid / :invalid selectors in certain browsers = 1.9.61 - 02/03/2023 = * Added: Support for population of select fields configured with Select2 + AJAX * Added: Custom attributes for divider field type * Bug Fix: Field class setting for divider field type = 1.9.60 - 02/02/2023 = * Bug Fix: Setting values in textarea fields using TinyMCE = 1.9.59 - 02/02/2023 = * Bug Fix: WooCommerce extension file upload field processing * Bug Fix: Sidebar select2 caching issue = 1.9.58 - 02/01/2023 = * Bug Fix: Setting price values with conditional logic or Webhook return = 1.9.57 - 01/30/2023 = * Bug Fix: reCAPTCHA V3 timeout issue = 1.9.56 - 01/29/2023 = * Bug Fix: Setting values on hidden fields with conditional logic or Webhook return = 1.9.55 - 01/28/2023 = * Added: Saved File Name setting for file uploads to allow for custom file names = 1.9.54 - 01/27/2023 = * Bug Fix: Setting label on button configured as submit using conditional logic = 1.9.53 - 01/26/2023 = * Added: Forced 200 HTTP response if API requests successful (third parties were changing this in hook) * Added: Firefox JS number rounding bug patch (their number field is limited to 14 decimal places if certain languages are set) * Added: Change to node value set function for Webhook function to avoid error if node key used twice in mappings * Bug Fix: Sidebar select2 initialization issue = 1.9.52 - 01/25/2023 = * Added: Improved CSS escaping for skin output * Bug Fix: Conversational progress bar = 1.9.51 - 01/25/2023 = * Bug Fix: Tab validation showing validation errors was not working with Bootstrap framework * Bug Fix: get_user_id function = 1.9.50 - 01/24/2023 = * Changed: Push to Custom Endpoint renamed to Webhook * Added: Return field mapping functionality on Webhook action allows return from API requests to populate form fields * Added: Support for dot notation in Webhook field, custom and return mapping (e.g. result[0].name.first) * Added: SSL Verify, Timeout and Cookie Passthrough options to Webhook * Added: Webhook Return Mapping demo template * Added: Change event to Hidden field conditional logic * Bug Fix: Select2 AJAX results conditional logic no longer fires on form render = 1.9.49 - 01/23/2023 = * Bug Fix: Next tab button disabling using prop method = 1.9.48 - 01/22/2023 = * Added: JetEngine integration support for Post Management (1.5.0) add-on * Added: JetEngine integration support for User Management (1.5.0) add-on * Added: JetEngine field option data source * Added: Select2 custom message settings * Added: Select2 AJAX results conditional logic * Added: Improved custom action detection = 1.9.47 - 01/19/2023 = * Bug Fix: wpautop on text/plain content type emails = 1.9.46 - 01/19/2023 = * Added: Additional parameters added to cookies when set 'SameSite=Strict; Secure' * Bug Fix: ACF button group saving = 1.9.45 - 01/18/2023 = * Bug Fix: Button disabling with WooCommerce extension = 1.9.44 - 01/17/2023 = * Added: ip-api as a geolocation service * Added: geoPlugin / ip-api API key settings for commercial versions of geolocation services * Added: Improved geolocation request headers to avoid invalid usage messages * Added: Google Address component mapping options added for Street full - Short/Long (Reverse order) * Bug Fix: Submission not assessing available fields correctly when layout only fields or user role restrictions imposed = 1.9.43 - 01/16/2023 = * Added: Updated Elementor widget registration code for version 3.5+ * Added: Updated PHP sort functions = 1.9.42 - 01/15/2023 = * Added: Meta value sorting option for posts data source = 1.9.41 - 01/13/2023 = * Added: New support functions for OpenAI add-on = 1.9.40 - 01/09/2023 = * Bug Fix: Deduplication using 'Current Day' method = 1.9.39 - 01/09/2023 = * Added: Do not apply wpautop functionality to client side #field use * Added: Ability to use HTML in #field delimiter = 1.9.38 - 01/08/2023 = * Changed: Removed fitBounds event when Google Map search place is clicked on to stop zoom irregularities = 1.9.37 - 12/31/2022 = * Bug Fix: International telephone input threw error if form submitted too quickly (e.g. with conditional logic) = 1.9.36 - 12/28/2022 = * Added: Improved mark-up in email templates = 1.9.35 - 12/25/2022 = * Bug Fix: wpautop on submissions page = 1.9.34 - 12/21/2022 = * Added: Server side validation now applies to all mappable fields * Changed: wpautop is now applied to Text Area fields configured as 'Default' when output in actions (e.g. Emails). #wpautop is no longer required to format this content. A 'Do Not Apply wpautop' setting is also available under 'Advanced' for Text Area fields if you want to revert to an unformatted output. = 1.9.33 - 12/16/2022 = * Added: Performance improvement on form submit = 1.9.32 - 12/13/2022 = * Added: Sidebar lock when retrieving integration data * Bug Fix: CodeMirror mode for JavaScript editors = 1.9.31 - 12/09/2022 = * Added: Global setting for reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha and Turnstile keys = 1.9.30 - 12/05/2022 = * Bug Fix: Captcha silent validation = 1.9.29 - 12/02/2022 = * Added: Further improvements to license management = 1.9.28 - 12/01/2022 = * Added: Improved licensing management to avoid license deactivation on DB locks = 1.9.27 - 11/30/2022 = * Bug Fix: Tags label when creating form from action template = 1.9.26 - 11/29/2022 = * Added: Improved honeypot field for accessibility * Bug Fix: Logging error in LITE edition for captcha fields = 1.9.25 - 11/25/2022 = * Added: Performance improvement on client side. Custom field configuration no longer loading in data sources. * Added: Support for serialized data in submissions page when added to hidden field meta data = 1.9.24 - 11/18/2022 = * Added: Support for WooCommerce booking plugin = 1.9.23 - 11/16/2022 = * Added: Validate number setting under international telephone input setting on phone field * Added: #session_storage_get(key) variable * Added: #local_storage_get(key) variable * Added: Placeholder setting to date / time field = 1.9.22 - 11/15/2022 = * Bug Fix: Form validation on Select2 + AJAX pre-populated fields = 1.9.21 - 11/15/2022 = * Added: Support for Meta Box relationship fields * Bug Fix: Field / tab focus on form submit = 1.9.20 - 11/12/2022 = * Added: Ability to use min/max with repeatable #field(123) input * Changed: Progress bar CSS to ensure right border radius appears at 100% = 1.9.19 - 11/10/2022 = * Change: Duration cookie removed in LITE edition * Bug Fix: Next tab validation to show invalid feedback if tabs were hidden = 1.9.18 - 11/09/2022 = * Added: Support for dynamic enqueuing on payment forms that don't include e-commerce fields = 1.9.17 - 11/09/2022 = * Bug Fix: wsf_field_row_add function fixed = 1.9.16 - 11/07/2022 = * Added: Breakdance website builder element * Added: Ability to use variables in the custom endpoint action URL * Bug Fix: Field step bypass on hidden fields = 1.9.15 - 11/02/2022 = * Bug Fix: Data format fix for Meta Box select fields without multiple setting enabled = 1.9.14 - 10/30/2022 = * Added: Support for WooCommerce geolocalize users with cache * Added: wsf_form_get_count_submit function for returning total public form submissions by form ID = 1.9.13 - 10/29/2022 = * Added: Support for quantity values being populated using different decimal separators * Bug Fix: Quantity field with decimals when using character other than period for decimal separator = 1.9.12 - 10/27/2022 = * Changed: Database primary key and relational field types changed to match WordPress * Bug Fix: Show dynamic enqueuing setting for all frameworks = 1.9.11 - 10/26/2022 = * Added: Honeypot SEO improvement * Bug Fix: Submissions read/unread display * Bug Fix: wpautop JavaScript function = 1.9.10 - 10/22/2022 = * Bug Fix: Conditional logic for setting repeatable section rows = 1.9.9 - 10/22/2022 = * Added: wsf_form_get_fields_by_label function * Bug Fix: JavaScript action registration = 1.9.8 - 10/21/2022 = * Added: unfiltered_html capability extended to data grids = 1.9.7 - 10/20/2022 = * Added: Compliance with the unfiltered_html capability which prevents saving of unfiltered HTML on all object data (https://wsform.com/knowledgebase/preventing-users-from-saving-markup-in-the-layout-editor/) * Bug Fix: Default button colors * Bug Fix: Cascade dynamic enqueuing = 1.9.6 - 10/19/2022 = * Added: Reviewed wpdb functionality throughout * Added: Improved DropzoneJS error handling * Added: Form and submit objects to email filters * Bug Fix: Submission export animated gif = 1.9.5 - 10/18/2022 = * Added: Support for performance plugins with dynamic enqueue * Changed: Removed WP_List_Table class to rely on class included with WordPress core * Bug Fix: Password confirmation conditional logic if password strength invalid feedback enabled = 1.9.4 - 10/17/2022 = * Bug Fix: GeoIP lookup endpoint * Bug Fix: Tab indexing on refresh = 1.9.3 - 10/17/2022 = * Bug Fix: Date variables without date fields = 1.9.2 - 10/17/2022 = * Added: #field with delimiter support for price select, price checkbox and price radio fields * Added: Quality and price total auto map on clone * Bug Fix: Tab indexing on clone = 1.9.1 - 10/16/2022 = * Added: Reviewed santitization, escaping and validation throughout * Added: Improved code to make security reviews easier in future = 1.9.0 - 10/14/2022 = * Added: Dynamic enqueuing setting (Global settings) * Added: Public JS optimized throughout to dramatically reduce file download size * Added: Minimum password strength setting on password field * Added: Suggest password setting on password field * Added: Generate password option in conditional logic for password fields * Bug Fix: Population of price checkbox fields