=== WS Form PRO - Stripe Elements === Contributors: westguard Requires at least: 4.4 Tested up to: 6.5 Stable tag: trunk Requires PHP: 5.3 License: GPLv3 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Stripe Elements add-on for WS Form PRO. == Description == Stripe Elements add-on for WS Form PRO. == Installation == For help installing this plugin, please see our [Installation](https://wsform.com/knowledgebase/installation/?utm_source=wp_plugins&utm_medium=readme) knowledgebase article. == Changelog == = 1.4.18 - 03/28/2024 = * Added: Transaction and customer meta data = 1.4.17 - 01/05/2024 = * Bug Fix: Improved handling of accent characters sent in API requests as strings = 1.4.16 - 11/30/2023 = * Bug Fix: Form validation on Stripe submit click = 1.4.15 - 11/24/2023 = * Added: Automatic tax setting for subscriptions * Added: Quantity of zero now excludes an item from subscriptions or initial invoice items = 1.4.14 - 11/19/2023 = * Added: Quantity settings on subscription and initial invoice items * Added: Loader added to templates = 1.4.13 - 09/13/2023 = * Added: Database required flag added to ensure submissions always created = 1.4.12 - 07/26/2023 = * Bug Fix: Placeholder style in Stripe Elements component = 1.4.11 - 04/24/2023 = * Bug Fix: Subscription custom price customer field mapping = 1.4.10 - 03/20/2023 = * Bug Fix: Fixed attempted JS e-commerce enqueue if form not present on page = 1.4.9 - 01/20/2023 = * Added: Prevent enter key presses in Stripe card component from submitting form = 1.4.8 - 11/09/2022 = * Added: Support for dynamic enqueuing = 1.4.7 - 10/14/2022 = * Bug Fix: #submit_id was not available to description field = 1.4.6 - 05/22/2022 = * Bug Fix: Initial CSS build = 1.4.5 - 05/18/2022 = * Added: Improved customer default source method = 1.4.4 - 04/05/2022 = * Added: customer_id value to ecommerce_transaction submit meta data = 1.4.3 - 04/04/2022 = * Bug Fix: Invalid feedback on credit card field = 1.4.2 - 03/04/2022 = * Added: Improved styling of Stripe iframe bound credit card entry component = 1.4.1 - 02/14/2022 = * Added: New subscriptions to existing customers with no payment sources now adds payment source to customer = 1.4.0 - 02/05/2022 = * Added: Support for subscriptions with custom prices = 1.3.7 - 06/28/2021 = * Added: wsf_activate_add_on action = 1.3.6 - 05/09/2021 = * Added: Upgraded CSS for new CSS system = 1.3.5 - 02/22/2021 = * Added: Support for currency selection = 1.3.4 - 02/22/2021 = * Added: Support for variables in amount field = 1.3.3 - 02/21/2021 = * Added: Setup intent for capturing payment method without charging = 1.3.2 - 02/17/2021 = * Added: Stripe variables: #stripe_transaction_id, #stripe_subscription_id, #stripe_customer_id = 1.3.1 - 02/07/2021 = * Added: Performance improvements = 1.3.0 - 02/07/2021 = * Added: SCA compatibility = 1.2.3 - 01/20/2021 = * Added: Improved customer create API error handling = 1.2.2 - 01/08/2021 = * Added: Stripe subscription initial invoice item support = 1.2.1 - 01/08/2021 = * Added: Stripe subscription trial support = 1.2.0 - 01/08/2021 = * Added: Stripe subscription support = 1.1.6 = * Added: Unique field mapping = 1.1.5 = * Changed: REST API authentication = 1.1.4 = * Changed: Stripe enqueue dependencies = 1.1.3 = * Changed: Stripe action priority = 1.1.2 = * Bug Fix: Script enqueuing = 1.1.1 = * Added: Support added for calc fields = 1.1.0 = * Added: Improved support for Elementor = 1.0.3 = * Added: Customer deduplicate = 1.0.2 = * Bug Fix: Submit button class fix = 1.0.1 = * Bug Fix: Form lock/unlock fix = 1.0.0 = * Initial release