Database Tables

  • Modifying database records yourself using MySQL is done at your own risk.
  • We are unable to provide support for any changes or imports made to these tables.
  • Always create a backup of your database before making changes.

WS Form LITE and PRO use the following database tables.

Table Name Description
[table prefix]wsf_form Forms
[table prefix]wsf_form_meta Form Metadata
[table prefix]wsf_form_stat Form Statistics
[table prefix]wsf_group Tabs
[table prefix]wsf_group_meta Tab Metadata
[table prefix]wsf_section Sections
[table prefix]wsf_section_meta Section Metadata
[table prefix]wsf_field Fields
[table prefix]wsf_field_meta Field Metadata
[table prefix]wsf_submit Submissions
[table prefix]wsf_submit_meta Submission Metadata

The default WordPress table prefix is wp_.

Settings data is saved in the wp_options table using the meta key ws_form.