Building Forms
Creating a Form
How to create a new form using WS Form. Create forms from a template or start from scratch with a blank form.
Email Settings
When a form is saved or submitted, WS Form can send one or more emails acknowledging the form submission.
All of the available fields can be found in the toolbox sidebar. To add a field to your form, simply click and drag a field from the toolbox to a section of your form.
Form Settings
To access the form settings, click the settings icon in the top toolbar when editing a form. This contains the following tabs: Basic, Advanced, and Auto Populate.
Form Validation
WS Form provides extensive options for managing form validation.
Previewing Forms
When you are ready to preview your form, click the 'Preview' button at the top of the layout editor.
Publishing Forms
When you are ready to publish your form and make it live, click the 'Publish' button.
Right-To-Left Support
WS Form PRO is compatible with RTL (Right-To-Left) languages and screen layouts.
Sample CSV Files – Free Download
You can import any CSV file into a data grid. This is useful for importing data, such as a country or state list.
To add a section to your form, simply click the add section icon at the bottom of your form.
Tabs are a convenient way of splitting a form into separate pages. Each form can have one or many tabs.
The Anatomy of a Form
Learn how WS Form organizes forms into tabs, sections and fields.
The Layout Editor
Learn how to build virtually any form you need for your website with WS Form!
Undo Tool
WS Form features a multi-step undo tool. As you build a form, your edit history is retained so that you can go back to any step in your building process.