403 Forbidden Error Message
A 403 Forbidden error message while editing your form may be the result of your hosting provider using mod_security.
Email Notifications Not Working
WS Form sends emails using a built-in function provided by WordPress called wp_mail. This is the same function used by other WordPress form plugins. Sending emails from WordPress can be made more reliable using these tips.
Error “Could not instantiate mail function” When Sending Emails
This article provides some possible solutions to this WordPress error message.
File Upload Issues
Learn how to diagnose file upload issues cause by client and server misconfiguration.
File Uploads Appear as Code in Email
If your email is interpreting file uploads as jumble of letters (also know as Base64 encoding), you will need to disable inline images in emails.
Form Won’t Update on Front-End
Addressing form update issues on your website's front-end, covering potential causes like unpublished changes and page caching.
Google Sheets Disconnects
How to reconnect to Google Sheets if the connection fails.
How to Fix Zapier Not Retrieving Submissions
This article outlines solutions to some common reasons Zapier may be unable to retrieve form submissions from your website.
Images are Not Showing in Emails
There are two reason why images might not be showing in your email.
Installation Troubleshooting
WS Form is designed to work with without requiring any additional software or configuration to WordPress.
Invalid Token Format Error
If you receive the error "Invalid Token Format" when submitting a form, it is likely being caused by a third party plugin.
Our Support
Our WS Form PRO license holders receive one year of support and plugin updates from the purchase date.
Preventing Input Zoom on Mobile Devices
In this article, we'll explore the reasons behind this behavior and provide practical solutions to prevent it.