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Installation Troubleshooting

WS Form is designed to work with without requiring any additional software or configuration to WordPress.

If your WordPress hosting is not configured properly, you might receive the error message Whoops! Something went wrong. when you first use the plugin.

This occurs when WS Form is unable to access the WordPress REST API system. This will not only cause problems with WS Form but may cause other plugins or WordPress features to fail.

Here are some reasons for this error:

Permalinks Incorrectly Configured

Your WordPress permalinks may not be configured correctly.

A first step would be to flush your permalink settings. To do this:

  1. Click on Settings in the WordPress admin menu.
  2. Click on Permalinks.
  3. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.

For more information, please refer to the WordPress Permalinks help page for more information.

WS Form supports ugly and pretty style permalinks.

Error Caused by Theme or Another Plugin

If your theme or another plugin is causing a PHP error it could prevent the WordPress REST API from working correctly. Check your server error log to see if any errors are occurring.

Hosting Security Settings

Some hosting providers include security software that is designed to protect your website from hackers. Whilst this is definitely a good thing, sometimes that software can be incorrectly configured and cause requests to the WordPress API to fail.

Read our 403 Forbidden Error Message knowledge base article to learn more.

REST API Restricted to Authenticated Users or Disabled

You may have a plugin installed that is restricting or disabling access to the WordPress REST API such as:

  • Disable REST API – You should whitelist the ws-form/v1 namespace in Settings for this plugin.
  • Clearfy – Set Remove REST API Links to Off in the Performance tab.

WS Form uses the namespace ws-form/v1. You should ensure this namespace is whitelisted for the WordPress REST API if your blocking plugin allows this.

.htaccess File Misconfigured

Make sure that your .htaccess file is working correctly.

Read the WordPress htaccess help page for more information.

Web Server Misconfigured

Make sure your web server is configured properly and that it is not serving the default web server welcome page (e.g. Apache welcome page) when you trying to access your front page.

Refer to the WordPress installation help page for more information.

If you are still experiencing problems, please contact our support team.