Styling Forms
Upgrade Notes for 1.10.x
Version 1.10.x of WS Form introduces a new styling system that provides greater control of WordPress form design.
Design WordPress forms effortlessly with WS Form Styler. Unlimited styles, intuitive controls, and over 400 customizable settings.
WS Form styles consist of settings such as colors, typography and sizes to control how your forms look on your website.
Creating a Light / Dark Form Theme
The WS Form Styler can create alternative color schemes for your WordPress forms such as a light / dark theme.
CSS Variables Reference
A full browsable reference of all of the WS Form CSS variables.
How to Change Which Style a Form Uses
This tutorial explains how to choose which style a form uses.
HTML Form Attributes
This article explains how instances work and how form and field attributes are configured in WS Form.
Responsive Forms
Responsive forms look good on all devices, from your mobile phone and tablet to a desktop computer screen.
Setting Custom Breakpoint Sizes
Breakpoints can be changed by using the wsf_config_frameworks filter hook.
Show a Loader During Form Processing
WS Form supports a variety of customizable built-in loaders as well as being able to implement your own loader HTML.
Style Checkboxes
If you are using the WS Form framework you can use classes to style checkboxes.
Style Radios
If you are using the WS Form framework you can use classes to style radios.