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The Styler allows you to design an unlimited number of styles that can be applied to any WordPress form built with WS Form with ease. Whether you want to maintain consistent branding across your WordPress site or tailor the appearance of individual forms for specific purposes, the Styler offers the flexibility to create, design, and manage styles effortlessly.

For developers, the Styler provides access to over 400 customizable settings, all easily managed using CSS variables for maximum flexibility and control. For beginners, creating styles is a breeze with intuitive options for adjusting colors, sizes, and other design elements, no coding required.

What is a Style?

A style in WS Form is a structured hierarchy of CSS variables, beginning with high-level settings like the color palette and typography. These foundational elements cascade down to progressively more specific settings, including sections, fields, and even individual field types, ensuring a consistent and customizable design throughout your forms.

How to Edit a Style

There are two ways to open the Styler to edit a style.

  1. To edit a style, click Edit on the Styles admin page. This opens the Styler, displaying a sample form with fields that allow you to preview most Styler settings in real time.
    WS Form - Styler - Admin Table - Edit Link
  2. Click the Style  icon at the top of the form layout editor. This opens your form alongside the Styler, allowing you to customize its appearance seamlessly.
    WS Form - Styler - Layout Editor - Style Button

Quick Start: The Form Category

The Form category in the Styler can be used to change the majority of the styling in a form and provides a quick way of getting the bulk of your form styled. For example, changing the Base color will change other elements on the form such as label colors, help text and input colors automatically.

WS Form - Styler - Form Category

The Form category includes the following style settings:

Sub Category Setting Type Default Description
Border Color Color transparent The border color. Learn more.
Radius Size 0px The border radius. Learn more.
Width Size 0px The border width. Learn more.
Style Text solid The border style. Learn more.
Color Palette Background Color transparent The form background color.
Base Color #000000 Main color used for labels, inputs and help text.
Base – Contrast Color #ffffff Contrast color used for checkmarks, button text, etc.
Accent Color #205493 Used for checked and styled checkboxes and radio fields, range slider thumb, etc.
Neutral Color #767676 Used for neutral tones on the form such as the file upload button.
Primary Color #205493 Used for the form submit button and any elements configured to use the Primary color.
Secondary Color #5b616b Default color used for other buttons.
Success Color #2e8540 Used for success messages.
Information Color #02bfe7 Used for information messages.
Warning Color #fdb81e Used for warning messages.
Danger Color #bb0000 Used for error messages and invalid feedback.
Spacing Grid Gap Size 20px The spacing between fields.
Padding – Horizontal Size 0px Horizontal form padding.
Padding – Vertical Size 0px Vertical form padding.
Transition Speed Text 200ms The time for transitions it takes for general transitions to run on the form.
Timing Function Text ease-in-out The CSS timing function used for transitions. Learn more
Typography Font Family Text inherit The base font family used throughout the form.
Font Size Size 16px The base font size used throughout the form.
Font Size – Small Size 14px This is primarily used on field help text.
Font Size – Large Size 18px This is primarily used on legends.
Font Style Text inherit Defines italic or normal text style. Learn more.
Font Weight Text inherit Controls text boldness or lightness. Learn more.
Letter Spacing Text inherit Adjusts space between text characters. Learn more.
Line Height Sixe 1.4 Sets spacing between text lines. Learn more.
Text Decoration Text inherit Adds lines, styles, or colors. Learn more.
Text Transform Text inherit Changes text casing styles. Learn more.

These settings may vary slightly for conversation styles where font sizes and spacing are increased for legibility.

How to Save a Style

Once you have finished making changes to a style, click the Save  icon. This will immediately publish the style ready for use on the website.

The Styler Sidebar

The Styler will open on the left and side of your form by default.

WS Form - Styler - Diagram

Style Name

The Style Name is shown at the top of the Styler. To edit the style name click the Settings icon at the top, change the name, then click the Save icon.

Setting Search

You can search for settings in a variety of ways:

  • Variables (e.g. --wsf-form-color-background)
  • Variable names (e.g. button primary)
  • Category names (e.g. typography)

Simply enter keywords into the search (minimum 2 characters) and the setting hierarchy will be filtered.

Style Categories

The top level style categories are:

  • Form
  • Tab
  • Section
  • Field
  • Field Type
  • Conversational (Only for conversation forms)

To open a category and view the sub-categories click the category name.

Use the Form category to change the main colors, sizes and typography settings for your form.

For more granular control, browse the other top level categories or use the Setting Search to find a particular setting.

Style Setting

There are various types of Style Setting.


Color settings allow you to pick any color for a form element.

WS Form - Styler - Setting - Color

To use the color picker to choose a color, simply click the Swatch.

The following values can be entered into the color Setting Value.

Color Model Example Description
Hex #ff0000 Hexadecimal as #rrggbb.
Hex 8 #ff000088 Hexadecimal with alpha as #rrggbbaa.
RGB rgb(255, 0, 0) Red, green, blue as rgb(r, g, b).
RGBA rgba(255, 0, 0, 0) Red, green, blue, alpha as rgba(r, g, b, a).
HSL hsl(0, 100%, 50%) Hue, saturation and lightness as hsl(h, s, l).
HSLA hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 0.533) Hue, saturation and lightness as hsla(h, s, l, a).
var() var(--accent-color) CSS variable.


Size settings allow you to set the size of a form element.

WS Form - Styler - Setting - Size
The following values can be entered into the color Setting Value.

Unit of Measurement Example Type Description
px 16px Absolute Pixels: A fixed unit, most commonly used.
em 1.5em Relative Relative to the font size of the element.
rem 1.5rem Relative Root em: Relative to the font size of the root element.
% 90% Relative Percentage: Relative to the parent element’s size.
var() var(--font-size-base) CSS variable.

We recommend a base pixels size of at least 16 pixels to help with the accessibility of your form.

Other Settings

Other settings include:

  • Font family
  • Font style
  • Font weight
  • Text decoration
  • Text transform

These values have text inputs that support a CSS value or variable.

Style Undo

Any changes made during a given editing session can be undone by clicking the Style Undo  icon. This will reset all of the settings in the style those the values that were present when the Styler was opened.

If you want to fully reset a style to the system defaults, you can do that from the Styles admin page by clicking the Reset link.


The settings panel allows you change the style name and also enable the alternative colors scheme. To access the settings panel click the Settings  icon.


The Save  icon is used to publish the changes you have made to the style so that they are committed to the live version of any form using that style.

If you are making significant changes to a style, consider cloning it or exporting a backup prior to doing so.

Repositioning the Styler

You can temporarily move the Styler by clicking and dragging the WS Form logo. If the Styler is position at the left or right of the screen, WS Form will attempt to lock it in position and introduce left or right margin to the body element to provide you with a better view of your form.