Category Select... Getting Started Accessibility Actions Add-Ons Building Forms Calculated Fields Conditional Logic Custom Field Plugins Data Grids Developers E-Commerce Fields Front-End Frameworks GDPR Hooks Licensing Migration PHP Functions Publishing Forms Reporting Sections Security Spam Protection Statistics Styling Forms Submissions Tracking Troubleshooting Tutorials- Create a Form Recipient Selector Using PHP- How to Set a 'Reply To' When Sending Emails- Number Rounding Examples- Add Custom Templates to the Template Library- Enable and Disable Dates and Times Using PHP- Create a State / Province by Country Selector- Push Form Submissions to a JetEngine Custom Content Type- Build a WordPress Form with the JetEngine Plugin- Using Cascading Fields to Filter Posts by Terms- Build a WordPress Form With the Toolset Plugin- Build a WordPress Form with the Pods Plugin- Form Abandonment - Saving Partial Form Submissions- Build a WordPress Form with the Meta Box Plugin- Redirect Existing Users by Role During Registration- Redirect Users by Role After Login- Change Form Submission Limit Settings Using PHP- Translate Forms- Assign a Form to a WooCommerce Product- Custom Server-Side Form Validation- Create a Form Summary- Writing Custom HTML for Email Content and PDF Templates- Make a Field Read-Only- Save & Continue- Send File Attachments in an Email- Add Select2 to a WS Form Select Field- Email Validation- Duplicate / Copy Field Values With #text- Run JavaScript on Form Load- Add Row Numbers to Repeatable Sections- Use Repeatable Section Count in Calculations- Process Submit Data with a WordPress Hook- Style Radios- Create a Customizable T-Shirt Product- Populate a Form With Post Data- Build a WordPress Form with the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Plugin- Vertical Range Sliders- Populate Select, Checkbox and Radio Fields Using PHP- Create an 'Other' Option- Create Floating Inside Field Labels With CSS- Create a Field Prefix or Suffix- Combine First and Last Name Fields into a Full Name Field- Change Required Field Indicators- Create a Contact Form in WordPress- Create Select, Checkbox, and Radio Cascading Lookups- Create a File Upload Progress Bar- Create Random Values- Populate a Form With User Data- Create a Redirect Selector- Use Shortcodes In Forms- Show Select, Checkbox and Radio Labels in Emails- Extract Select, Checkbox & Radio Labels- Use Fields To Change Repeatable Section Row Counts- Display Checkboxes or Radios in Columns- Create a Form Recipient Selector Using Conditional Logic- Find the ID of a Field- Populate a Field With Query String Data- ACF- ACPT- Abandonment- Calculated Fields- Cascading- Checkbox Fields- Conditional Logic- Date/Time- E-Commerce-- How to Add a Handling Fee to an E-Commerce Form-- Create a Discount Code Field- Emails- Field Settings- Geolocation- JavaScript- JetEngine- Loaders- Meta Box- PHP Examples- Pods- Population- Post Management- Radio Fields- Redirecting- Repeatable Sections- Select Fields- Styling & CSS- Tabs- Templates- Toolset- Translation- User Management- Validation- Variables & Dynamic Content- WooCommerce Search Knowledge Base TutorialsE-Commerce How to Add a Handling Fee to an E-Commerce FormPRO The form below demonstrates how to set up a handling fee for an e-commerce form. Download Demo