PHP Examples
Change Form Submission Limit Settings Using PHP
Sometimes you might want to change form settings dynamically using PHP prior to the form being rendered on your website.
Change Tab Labels Using PHP
Sometimes you might want to change a tab label dynamically using PHP prior to the form being rendered on your website.
Create a Form Recipient Selector Using PHP
In this tutorial we'll show you how to allow a user to select a recipient using the wsf_action_email_to filter hook.
Custom Server-Side Form Validation
WS Form allows you to perform your own server-side validation of submitted fields values.
Data Sources: WordPress Filter Hook
The WordPress Filter Hook data source allows you to dynamically populate a data grids with your own data for fields such as Select, Checkboxes and Radios.
Enable and Disable Dates and Times Using PHP
This tutorial provides code samples for disabling and enabling dates and times in Date / Time fields.
Filter Disposable Email Addresses
Reject form submissions from unwanted email addresses using this WS Form filter.
Manipulate Submission Data Using WordPress Filter Hooks
When WS Form read or writes submission meta data, it can be filtered using WordPress filter hooks.
Populate Select, Checkbox and Radio Fields Using PHP
You can use WS Form functions to dynamically populate select, checkbox or radio fields.
Populate the Default Value of a Field Using ACF Option Values
You can use WordPress filter hooks, WS Form functions, and ACF option page values to dynamically set the default value of fields.
Populate the Default Value of a Field Using PHP
You can use WS Form functions to dynamically set the default value of fields.
Preventing Users from Saving Markup in the Layout Editor
If you do not want to allow users to save markup in WS Form settings, use the unfiltered_html capability in WordPress.
Process Submit Data with a WordPress Hook
You can use the ‘Run WordPress Hook’ action in combination with some simple code to intercept submission data and use it in your own PHP scripts.
Redirect Existing Users by Role During Registration
When a user registers on your website using the User Management add-on you can redirect existing users by their role or other criteria.
Redirect Users by Role After Login
When a user logs in to your website using the User Management add-on, you may wish to redirect users by their role or other criteria.
Run WordPress Hook
The 'Run WordPress Hook' action runs a WordPress action or filter when a user saves or submits a form.
Setting Which Post ID to Populate With Using PHP
In this tutorial we show you how to change the 'Post ID' setting found in Form Settings > Data > Populate Using Action by using a simple PHP script.
Show Form Submission Count for a Specific Form
A PHP example showing how to create a shortcode that returns the total number of submissions for any form ID.