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Populate a Data Grid with ACF Relationship Field PostsPRO

You can easily populate Select, Checkbox or Radio fields with posts selected in an Advanced Custom Field (ACF) relationship field. This is accomplished using a straightforward PHP script in combination with the WordPress Filter Hook data source data source.

ACF Field Configuration

This example works with an ACF field configured as follows:

  • Field Type: Relationship
  • Field Label: Related Post (You can label it as anything you wish)
  • Field Name: related_post (If your field is named differently, you’ll need to change the $acf_field_key in the example below)
  • Filter by Post Type: Post

PHP Example

The code below would typically go in functions.php of your theme (use a child theme where appropriate), or in a code snippet plugin.

When you click Get Data on the data grid in WS Form, the request will not be tied to a specific post ID. In the code snippet below, replace 123 with the ID of a test post that has some selected posts in the ACF relationship field.

// Add a filter for WordPress Filter Hook data source to use
add_filter( 'wsf_acf_relationship_field', 'wsf_acf_relationship_field_hook_callback', 10, 3 );

// My callback function for tag wsf_acf_relationship_field
function wsf_acf_relationship_field_hook_callback( $data_grid, $field_id, $form_object ) {

    // Get post ID (Set 123 to a test post ID for "Get Data" testing)
    global $post;
    $post_id = empty( $post ) ? 123 : $post->ID;

    // Check post ID
    if( empty( $post_id ) ) { return $data_grid; }

    // ACF field key
    $acf_field_key = 'related_post';

    // Get relationship field (third parameter false ensures the return is not formatted)
    $relationship_posts = get_field( $acf_field_key, $post_id, false );

    // Check field value
    if ( empty( $relationship_posts ) || !is_array( $relationship_posts ) ) { return $data_grid; }

    // Build data grid rows
    $rows = array();

    // Look through relationship posts
    foreach( $relationship_posts as $relationship_post_id ) {

        // Add data grid row
        $rows[] = array(

            // Column data
            'data' => array(

                // Post ID
                esc_attr( $relationship_post_id ),

                // Post title
                esc_html( get_the_title( $relationship_post_id ) )

    // Define columns
    $data_grid[ 'columns' ] = array(

        // Post ID
        array( 'label' => __( 'Post ID' ) ),

        // Post title
        array( 'label' => __( 'Post Title' ) )

    // Define first group
    $data_grid[ 'groups' ] = array(


            // Label for data grid group
            'label' => __( 'Related Posts' ),

            // Define rows in first group
            'rows' => $rows

    return $data_grid;