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The divider is used to introduce a horizontal rule to your form. It is useful for separating areas of your form to make it easier to read.

To edit the settings for this field type, click the settings icon on the field itself. Click the Save & Close or Save button to save your changes. If you do not want to save your changes, you can click the Cancel button or click any other form element to close the field settings sidebar.

WS Form - Field Settings Icon



The label for a divider is solely used to identify the divider in the administration system. It is unlikely you will change the label. As well as entering a label into this field, you can also double click the label of the field in the editor. You should enter an easy-to-understand label for your field, for example, First Name or Email.


If checked the field will be hidden on the form. It can be shown again using conditional logic or your own JavaScript.



Use the Styles settings to change the design of the divider.

Vertical Alignment

The vertical alignment option allows you to choose how this field will be vertically aligned in relation to fields in the same row. The options are:

  • Top
  • Middle
  • Bottom


For developers WS Form allows you to add your own classes to fields.

Field Wrapper

The wrapper CSS class setting enables you to add a class (or classes) to a field wrapper. Field wrappers are sections of HTML added around a field to position them on the page. To add multiple classes, add a space between the class names.


To add a class to the actual field element itself, enter a class (or classes) to this setting. To add multiple classes, add a space between the class names.


This feature is available in WS Form PRO.

The breakpoint settings define the width of a field and also what the offset of (how many columns from the left-hand side of the form or the previous field) of a field is for each breakpoint. For more information about the breakpoint settings and capabilities of WS Form, click here.