

The wsf_config_parse_variables filter hook can be used to add custom variables to WS Form.

For example, you could create a variable called:


And it could output:

Acme Services, LLC

These variables can be used client-side (e.g in field settings) or in Actions (e.g. in the Send Email message setting).


We recommend using the following formats in your filter hook function to avoid clashing with other existing WS Form variables:

  • Group ID: custom
  • Group label: Custom
  • Variable name: custom_<your variable name> (i.e. prefix with custom_)


add_filter( 'wsf_config_parse_variables', 'my_hook_function', 10, 1 );


  1. $variables Array
    An array containing all of the registered variables in WS Form.


add_filter('wsf_config_parse_variables', 'my_hook_function');

function my_hook_function($variables) {

    // Variable group ID
    $variables[ 'custom' ] = array(

        // Variable group label
        'label' => __( 'Custom' ),

        // Array of variables in this custom group
        'variables' => array(

            // Variable name (e.g. #custom_company_name)
            'custom_company_name' => array(

                // Variable label
                'label' => __( 'My Company Name' ),

                // Variable description
                'description' => __( 'Returns my company name' ),

                // The output if the variable is used
                // Do not include private / sensitive data as this will be public
                'value' => _( 'ACME Services, LLC' ),

                // Leave this as is
                'usage' => array( 'client', 'action' )

    return $variables;


Source File

This hook can be found in: <plugin root>/includes/class-ws-form-config.php