Combine First and Last Name Fields into a Full Name FieldPRO

Using WS Form PRO variables or conditional logic you can easily create a full name field that is automatically updated when a user enters their first or last name. This is useful if, for example, you have a third party system you need to push a full name field to but you still want to keep the first and last name fields separate for other purposes such as personalizing an email.

Using Variables

  1. Add text fields for the first and last name.
  2. Add a text field for the full name (you can also make this at hidden field if you wish).
  3. In the Default Value setting of the full name field, enter #text(#field(1)) #text(#field(2)) where 1 is the ID of the first name field and 2 is the ID of the last name field.Combine fields together using #text or conditional logic.
  4. Click Save & Close.

Using Conditional Logic

  1. Add text fields for the first and last name.
  2. Add a text field for the full name (you can also make this at hidden field if you wish).
  3. Click the Conditional Logic icon at the top of the layout editor. The Conditional Logic sidebar will open.
  4. Click the Add icon.
  5. Add the conditional logic as shown in the screenshot below, choosing the first, last and full name fields from your form.
    Combining First and Last Name Fields in a Full Name field - Conditional Logic
  6. Click Save & Close.