Global Settings

The settings page enables you to configure all of the global settings for WS Form. It is accessed from the WordPress admin menu.

WS Form - Admin Menu SettingsThe settings page is split into tabs. Additional tabs may appear for add-ons you have installed.

Click a tab below to see the available settings.



Live Preview

If this setting is enabled, any changed you make to a form will be refreshed in the preview window automatically.


You can use setting to tell WS Form which page template to use when previewing a form. If set to auto, WS Form will automatically find a template to use. If a template cannot be found, WS Form will use a basic fallback template.

Debug Console

For more information about the debug console and this setting, click here.

Layout Editor


If you change this, WS Form will reset the settings to a Basic or Advanced configuration. If you are not a developer, we recommend keeping this setting on Basic. For developers we recommend the Advanced setting.

Column Guidelines

Column guidelines help you identify columns when you are resizing sections or fields. This setting has 3 options:

  • Off – Guidelines are not shown
  • On resize – Guidelines are shown when you start to resize a section or field
  • Always – Guidelines are always shown

Breakpoint Widths

When this is checked, the form editor will adjust the form width to the appropriate breakpoint width selected at the bottom of the editor screen. This is useful to give you an idea of how the form might look at that device size.

Note that the Basic version does not allow breakpoint-specific editing. Upgrade to the Pro version to take advantage of this feature.

HTML Compatibility Helpers

This feature will show information icons that when clicked will take you to the website to show you the compatibility of a particular field or field attribute in various web browsers. This is useful for developers to determine whether to implement a particular field setting or not.

Help Text

If checked help text will appear under each setting in the right-hand sidebar as you edit your form.

Section IDs

Show IDs on sections?

Field IDs

If you are using the WS Form variables in your form development, this useful feature will show the field IDs in the sidebar when editing a field. It will also show the field ID when you hover over a field in the editor.

For more information about WS Form variables, click here.



If this setting is checked, WS Form will stop collecting data on form views, submissions and saves.


WS Form has three method of tracking form statistics. Use this setting to choose your preferred method.

  • AJAX
  • AJAX Low Resource
  • Server Side

The AJAX methods provide the most reliable data as it makes a request each time your form is shown, however this does require an additional HTTP request to your server.

The AJAX Low Resource method uses a call to a light weight PHP script that requires minimal resources to run. The script is located at:

<WS Form Plugin Install Path>/public/add-view.php

In a small number of cases some servers will be unable to use this script due to security settings. WS Form will automatically disable this option if it can’t be used.

The server side option does not require an additional HTTP request and uses the least resources but if you are using page caching it is likely your statistics will be less accurate because the PHP on the page is not executing. We recommend using one of the AJAX methods for the highest accuracy.


Disable Unread Submission Bubbles

If this setting is enabled, submission count bubbles will no longer be shown in the administration pages.

Disable Toolbar Menu

If checked, the WS Form toolbar (admin) menu will not be shown.




If you are unfamiliar with CSS frameworks, we recommend leaving this setting as is on WS Form.

For developers the framework option lets you select the framework you are working with. You can click the Detect button to enable WS Form to attempt to detect which framework you are using, or you can manually select it from the list. If there is a particular framework you would like us to support, please contact us and we will add it to our consideration list. If you are using one of the frameworks we support, WS Form will output it from HTML using code and CSS classes that are appropriate to that framework.

Column Count

If you are unfamiliar with CSS frameworks, we recommend leaving this setting on 12.

If you are using a different column count from the default 12, you can change it here. We would normally recommend that this setting is left on 12 columns.

Framework CSS

This setting will only appear if you have the WS Form framework selected. We recommend leaving this setting on.

The framework CSS is responsible for the layout of the form. It is not responsible for colors, fonts, etc.

If you want to completely customize the CSS used for your form, or you are using a different framework that already styles form elements, you can switch this off.

Skin CSS

This setting will only appear if you have the WS Form framework selected. We recommend leaving this setting on.

The skin CSS is responsible for the fonts, colors, etc.,  of the form. It is not responsible for layout.

If you want to completely customize the CSS used for your form, or you are using a different framework that already styles form elements, you can switch this off.

HTML Comments

You can switch HTML code comments on/off with this setting.

CSS Comments

You can switch CSS code comments on/off with this setting.


Compile CSS

This setting will only appear if you have the WS Form framework selected. In a production environment we recommend switching this setting on.

When enabled, WS Form will pre-compile its own CSS to improve page load speed times.

Inline CSS

This setting will only appear if you have the WS Form framework selected. In a production environment we recommend switching this setting on.

When enabled, WS Form will output its own CSS in the head tags of the web pages to improve page load speed times.

CSS Cache Duration

If CSS files are not being rendered inline, this will determine the expiry header duration in seconds.

Dynamic Enqueuing

When enabled, WS Form will only load JavaScript libraries corresponding to the functionality and field types present on your form. This reduces the amount of JavaScript required for your form considerably.



If this setting is enabled, all script tags generated by WS Form will include a defer attribute. The defer attribute in an HTML script tag instructs the browser to delay the execution of the JavaScript file until after the HTML document has been fully parsed. This means that the script is executed only after the entire HTML page is rendered, without blocking the rendering process. This setting may delay the rendering of a form on your site.

Enqueue in Footer

If this setting is enabled, all scripts associated with WS Form will be enqueued in the footer of the website.

jQuery Source

This setting enables you to determine whether jQuery scripts are loaded from your server (Local) or from a CDN.

jQuery Date/Time Picker

This feature is available in WS Form PRO.

HTML 5 compliant web browsers have the ability to show a date and/or time picker when you click on a date field. Some web browsers do not have this ability. Therefore, to provide similar functionality WS Form PRO comes with a date and time picker that can provide similar functionality.

The options for this setting are:

  • If native not available – WS Form PRO will show the substitute date/time picker if the browser does not have its own.
  • On – WS Form PRO will always show the substitute date/time picker.
  • Off – WS Form PRO will never show the substitute date/time picker.

jQuery Color Picker

File Uploads

Maximum Filesize (Bytes)

We recommend leaving this setting to the value set by the plugin.

This setting dictates the maximum file-upload size allowed in bytes.

WS Form will set this value to the PHP setting on your server by default. If you want to reduce this value, you can set it here. Note that this value should not exceed the max_upload_size PHP setting.

Maximum Files

We recommend leaving this setting to the value set by the plugin.

This setting dictates how many files can be uploaded simultaneously.

WS Form will set this value to the PHP setting on your server by default. If you want to reduce this value, you can set it here. Note that this value should not exceed the max_uploads PHP setting.


Cookie Timeout (Seconds)

We recommend leaving this setting on 3600 seconds = 1 Hour.

Cookies are used if you introduce the form save feature in WS Form. The save feature enables users to save their form and then come back and complete it again later. In order to achieve this, cookies must be enabled in the user’s browser so that their session can be stored. The timeout period for a session is configured using this setting.

If you want to reduce or extend the duration the session cookie is valid for, adjust this setting. Some common values for this setting are:

  • 3600 = 1 Hour
  • 86400 = 1 Day
  • 604800 = 1 Week

Cookie Prefix

We recommend leaving this setting as ws_form.

To avoid conflicting with any other WordPress cookies, we prefix all cookies. This setting allows you to change this prefix if necessary.

Enable Save Cookie

If checked, WS Form will set a cookie if the form is saved. This allows users to return to the page at a later date on the same device to continue their form. If disabled, you may with to use the link method for saving forms.


Enable NONCE

If enabled, WS Form will add and check for a NONCE value on all forms. WordPress NONCEs are one-time use security tokens generated by WordPress to help protect forms from misuse. Learn more.

If you enable this setting you should ensure your combined page caching (server and browser) does not exceed 10 hours or you may experience 403 errors when submitting forms.



Enter your Google API key for fields such as the Google Address, Google Map and Google Routing.

Gelocation Lookup by IP


Choose from:

These services offer non-commercial and commercial API versions.

We recommend using because:

  • It provides the most geographical data.
  • It supports HTTPS requests for non-commercial applications. API Key

If you are using the commercial version of, enter your API key here. Lookups using the API key are only performed server-side for Tracking. We do not expose API keys for client-side gelocation lookups. API Key

If you are using the commercial version of, enter your API key here. Lookups using the API key are only performed server-side for Tracking. We do not expose API keys for client-side gelocation lookups. API Key

If you are using the commercial version of, enter your API key here. Lookups using the API key are only performed server-side for Tracking. We do not expose API keys for client-side gelocation lookups. API Key

If you are using the commercial version of, enter your API key here. Lookups using the API key are only performed server-side for Tracking. We do not expose API keys for client-side gelocation lookups.

Tracking Links

URL Mask – IP Lookup

When someone submits a form and you have enabled the Remote IP Address tracking option in Form settings, this feature will show a link that will link to a website showing the approximate location of that IP address, plus associated ownership information.

You can change the website that the IP address is sent to by adjusting this mask.

#value will be replaced with the tracking IP address.

For more information about form tracking, click here.

URL Mask – Geolocation Lookup

Similar to the IP Lookup URL Mask, when geo-location tracking is activated, this feature will provide you with a link to a website showing the location of the user.

You can change the website that the latitude and longitude is sent to by adjusting this mask.

#value will be replaced with latitude,longitude.


If you have WooCommerce installed, these settings will be inherit from WooCommerce.



Select the current you would like to use for prices on your forms.

Currency Position

This setting determines if the currency symbol should be placed to the left or right of prices.

Thousand Separator

Use this setting to configure which character is used to separate thousands in prices.

Decimal Separator

Use this setting to configure which character is used to separate decimals in prices.

Number of Decimals

Use this setting to configure how many decimals should be used in pricing.


The system tab provides a summary of your WS Form installation. It is split into the following sections:

  • WS Form Pro
  • WordPress
  • PHP
  • Web Server
  • MySQL

If any issues are found with your WS Form installation, they are indicated in yellow with a warning triangle . We would recommend that you upgrade your hosting to meet the minimum versions stated in this tab.


This tab only appears if you have installed WS Form Pro and does not appear in the Basic version. Learn more about licensing.


This shows the current version of WS Form Pro you have installed. To see if you need to update WS Form, you should visit the Plugins page.

License Key

When you purchase WS Form Pro, you are emailed a license key. Enter it here and then click the Activate button.

If you have lost your license key, click here.

License Status

The status of your license key is shown here. Once you activate it, the license status will read Activated.



Reset Statistics

To reset the statistics for a form, select the form and then click Reset. Once you have confirmed you wish to reset the form statistics, the data cannot be recovered. Use with caution!

Data Encryption

See Data Encryption.


Delete Plugin Options on Uninstall

If checked the plugin settings will be deleted when you uninstall WS Form.

Delete Database Tables on Uninstall

If checked the database tables associated with WS Form will be dropped.


Form Statistics Email

The form statistics email sends a daily, weekly or monthly report of your form views, saves, submits and conversion rates.

WS Form PRO - Form Statistics Report Email - Sample Email

The report has the following columns:

  • Form
    The label of the form.
  • Views
    How many times the form was shown on your website.
  • Saves
    How many times the form was saved (This column is hidden if no saves occurred on your website).
  • Submits
    How many times the form was submitted.
  • Conv.
    The conversion rate (Percentage of submits to views).

To enable the report, simply click the Enable setting and then click Save. The report can be configured using the settings described below.


If checked, WS Form will schedule the report according your chosen settings. Uncheck this to stop reports from being sent.

Published Form

If checked, WS Form will only include published forms in the report.


Choose how often you would like to receive the report. The options are:

  • Daily (You can also choose the day of the week for this option)
  • Weekly
  • Monthy

Email To

Reports will be sent to the Administration Email Address configured in the General WordPress Settings admin page. You can override this by entering an alternative email address in this field. If you want to send the report to multiple recipients you can separate email addresses by spaces in this setting.

The Send Test button can be used to send a sample report to the configured email addresses. Be sure to click Save before clicking the Send Test button to ensure your latest settings are used.

Email Subject

The default subject line is: WS Form – Form Statistics

You can use this setting to change the subject line of the email.

Form Submission Error Email

This feature will send you an email containing details about a PHP error should one occur when a form is submitted.


If checked, WS Form will schedule the report according your chosen settings. Uncheck this to stop reports from being sent.


Choose how often you would like to receive the report. The options are:

  • Real-time (You will receive an email for every error that occurs)
  • Once per minute (Default)
  • Once per hour
  • Once per day

Email To

Reports will be sent to the Administration Email Address configured in the General WordPress Settings admin page. You can override this by entering an alternative email address in this field. If you want to send the report to multiple recipients you can separate email addresses by spaces in this setting.

The Send Test button can be used to send a sample report to the configured email addresses. Be sure to click Save before clicking the Send Test button to ensure your latest settings are used.

Email Subject

The default subject line is: WS Form – Form Submission Error

You can use this setting to change the subject line of the email.


Variable: #email_logo

Use these settings to configure the #email_logo variable which can be used to insert your logo in an Send Email or PDF template.



You can upload your company logo or any other image you would like to add to emails sent from WS Form by uploading it here. We would recommend that you crop any whitespace from images and also keep images to no wider than 400 pixels wide and no taller than 200 pixels tall.

Note that it is also possible to insert your logo using the Add Media button in the Visual editor when editing email content.


By default your logo will appear at the full size you uploaded it as. You can also choose one of the built-in WordPress image sizes to adjust the size of your logo.

Variable: #email_submission

Use these settings to configure the #email_submission variable which is used in the default Send Email and PDF templates to show the contents of a submission.

Tab Labels

  • Auto – Only shown if any fields are not empty and the Show Label setting is enabled.
  • Yes – Only shown if the Show Label setting is enabled for that tab.
  • No – Never shown.

Section Labels

  • Auto – Only shown if any fields are not empty and the Show Label setting is enabled.
  • Yes – Only shown if the Show Label setting is enabled.
  • No – Never shown.

Field Labels

  • Auto – Only shown if the field is not empty.
  • Yes – Only shown if the Show Label setting is enabled.
  • No – Never shown.

Static Fields

Render static fields such as text and HTML, if not excluded at a field level.

Exclude Empty Fields

Exclude empty fields in email templates.

Variable: #field

Use these settings to configure the #field(123) variable which is used in Send Email and PDF templates to show the value of a field.

Show Image Previews

If checked, file and signature previews will be shown. Compatible with the WS Form (Private), WS Form (Public) and Media Library file handlers.

Show File Name and Size

If checked, file and signature file names and sizes will be shown. Compatible with the WS Form (Private), WS Form (Public) and Media Library file handlers.

Note that if Show Image Previews and Show File Name and Size are both disable, WS Form will show the file name.

Link to Files

If checked, file and signature files will have links added to them. The Send Email action has a separate setting for this. Compatible with the WS Form (Private), WS Form (Public) and Media Library file handlers.

Spam Protection


Site Key

Enter your reCAPTCHA site key that will be used for all reCAPTCHA fields on your forms by default. This value can be overridden at a field level too.

Secret Key

Enter your reCAPTCHA secret key that will be used for all reCAPTCHA fields on your forms by default. This value can be overridden at a field level too.


Site Key

Enter your hCaptcha site key that will be used for all hCaptcha fields on your forms by default. This value can be overridden at a field level too.

Secret Key

Enter your hCaptcha secret key that will be used for all hCaptcha fields on your forms by default. This value can be overridden at a field level too.


Site Key

Enter your Cloudflare Turnstile site key that will be used for all Turnstile fields on your forms by default. This value can be overridden at a field level too.

Secret Key

Enter your Cloudflare Turnstile secret key that will be used for all Turnstile fields on your forms by default. This value can be overridden at a field level too.